2015. (with Andrew Fisher) How To Get Philosophy Students Talking? An Instructor's Toolkit London: Routledge
Email: jonathan.tallant@nottingham.ac.uk
Courses taught
About my teaching
(with Andrew Fisher). Forthcoming. ‘Teaching and knowledge: uneasy bedfellows’, Journal of Philosophy of Education
(with Andrew Fisher). 2020. ‘Trust in Education’, Educational Philosophy and Theory, 52, 780-90
(with Andrew Fisher). 2020. ‘Might Teaching be Judgement Dependent?’, Philosophia, 48, 777-787
(with Andrew Fisher). 2015. ‘Helping philosophy students become (even more) employable’, Teaching Philosophy
(with Andrew Fisher) 2015. ‘Can teaching philosophy in schools count towards the Research Excellence Framework (UK)?’, Cogent Education
(with Andrew Fisher) 2014. ‘Philosophy students’ uptake, performance and experiences of vivas’, Brookes eJournal for Learning and Teaching, volume 6, issue 1
(with Andrew Fisher) 2012. ‘Multimedia Innovation in the Philosophy of Language’, Brookes eJournal for Learning and Teaching, volume 4, issue 2
I am an award-winning teacher with experience of graduate and undergraduate teaching across a number of areas of the philosophical curriculum.